Scientific basis of Hawan for prevention of Epilepsy

Nasal drug delivery systems are the best for diseases related to brain. In older times RishiMuni, ancient scholars and physicians used to recommend Hawan for mental peace and wellbeing. Gayatri Mantra also tells that sughandhim (aroma, fragrance) puushtivardhanam (gives rise to good health). The aroma of Yagya fumes is beneficial for physical and mental health.


Hawan is the scientific experiment in which special herbs (Hawan Samagri) are offered in Hawan Kund. Hawan are used to fight with the diseases of the brain. The Hawan has oils that are specifically useful for epilepsy. The high temperature of the fire leads to vapour of this oils which enter into central nervous system through nasal route.


To understand what is epilepsy? Epilepsy is a neuropsychiatric disorder with high prevalence in children and young adults. There are around 10 million people who suffer from epilepsy with prevalence of about 1.9% in rural areas and 0.6% in urban areas. Performing Hawan everyday leads to attainment of spiritual enlightment, mental peace and purification of mind and environment. The sublimated herbal medicines when inhaled in Yagya first reaches the brain followed by lungs and other components of body. It leads to direct healing effect on brain borne diseases and complexities.


Ayurveda has recommended nasal route as preferred mode of administration of drugs for epilepsy. It is less risky, easy and most effective method of administering a medicine to reach every single cell of the body. The characteristics of the fire causes the vaporized substances to diffuse everywhere in surroundings wherever the Yagya is being conducted.

The purpose of the Hawan is to enhance the energy of the human body and make it healthy and progressive. The main ingredient in Hawan is Cow Ghee which has beneficial properties. The ghee when burns Gomay kund it produces natural fumes which helps in healing respiratory system.


The essential oil constituents in Hawan pass through nasal, lungs and have direct actions on the autonomic nervous system and helps control hear rate, blood pressure and respiration.


The medium chain fatty acids in pure Ghee get converted into ketones and supply the epilepsy patient brain with the energy it needs to survive and if given on a continual basis will support processes in the brain that are involved in healing and repair. Another important ingredient in Hawan is “Camphor” , when the camphor is burnt in the fire ritual, the body’s breathing system is cleared quickly.


The specific energy currents reduced by yagyagni and mantra shakti have significant remedial effect on the disorders and diseases ranging from headache, migraine, cold to mental dullness, intellectual deficiencies, depression, insomnia, intemperance, epilepsy, schizophrenia and varieties of manias.


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